Membership & Donate


Membership in Columbus Outdoor Pursuits allows us to support the volunteer-based organization which organizes big bike rides like TOSRV, GOBA, OETA and XOBA every year, along with over 37 Weekly Training Rides and many 1-day rides. We offer hiking, backpacking, and winter skiing activities. We’ve just added several bikepacking activities.

All of our event leaders provide deep knowledge, guidance and ensure safe experiences. Your membership helps underwrite the extraordinary insurance costs associated with providing these activities.

Additionally, Members enjoy special access and discounts for a number of our activities.  Many retailers in central Ohio provide discounts to our Members too.


Columbus Outdoor Pursuits is a 501 C 3 charitable organization. We need the support from general donations to ensure we can continue our mission. We provide safe, full-service bicycle, hiking, and  backpacking trainings and events. Columbus Outdoor Pursuits is committed to supporting and celebrating outdoor adventure.

Your financial support provides us the resources to ensure the financial stability needed to deliver our mission.  Thank you for your generosity!

We accept donations on-line and via the mail at 1193 S. Front St., Columbus OH 43206.  If you have questions or would like to make special arrangements to support Columbus Outdoor Pursuits, please call us at (614) 442-7901.

Donate through a Workplace Giving Campaign

If your employer offers an annual workplace giving campaign through campaigns such as the Combined Federal Campaign, the OSUC Bucks for Charity Campaign, the State of Ohio Combined Charitable Campaign, the Franklin County Combined Charitable Campaign or the City of Columbus Combined Charitable Campaign – please search for “Columbus Outdoor Pursuits” in our partner Community Shares Mide Ohio listings. A nominal contribution from your paycheck can really add up!
