May 8, 2025
Thursday PM Jersey Hills, presented by teamCOPC – Pelotonia Friendly
Time: 6 PM Please arrive 15 minutes early. May 1 thru July 24
Pace: B, C
Meetup Location: Jersey Church North Parking Lot – 13260 Morse Rd., New Albany, OH 43054
Ride Description: This is a challenging ride that has, over the years, become a favorite for Pelotonia training. We encourage groups to stick together and look out for each other to create a safer ride while also fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Each week during the pre-ride discussion, the route is chosen by the ride leaders from the route options listed on our website, taking into account the planned pace and sunset time. For this ride, it’s always a good idea to bring a friend along. All teamCOPC rides prioritize safety and riding together as a group. Before you join us, please take a moment to review the rider expectations at To keep up with our rides and events, join the teamCOPC Rides email list on the same website.
One-Time Pre-Registration: Outdoor Pursuits Weekly Rides Pre-Registration
RWGPS: Routes are chosen each week from those listed on the teamCOPC website.
Facebook Group:
Ride Leader Primary: Mike Perry. Also Bud Abraham, Penny Campbell, Johnetta Carey, Danielle Demko, William Dessert, Enrique Gatmaitan, Kathleen Green, Ashley Griffin, Tracy Haines, Andrea Morbitzer, Steve Tippett
Group Contact: email: