Saturday Morning WBC, TTS, and Friends

March 15, 2025

Saturday Morning WBC, TTS, and Friends

Time: Weather permitting, 10:00 AM is the normal start time, and 9:00 AM is used during summer heat. Depending on the weather, the season will end in November or December.
Pace: B/C level. Policy: No drop.
Meetup Location: McNamara Park, 7049 Big Walnut Rd., Galena, OH 43021
Meeting Point: EAST end McNamara Park - Primary, Bellpointe and Glacier Metro Park as secondary
Ride Description: 40 to 45 +/- a few miles, with a snack break. Additional ride information will be posted under Ride With GPS WBC
One-Time Pre-Registration: Outdoor Pursuits Weekly Rides Pre-Registration
Ride Leader Primary: John London 614-946-6401
Ride Leader Backup/Alternate: Paul Bugenstein 614-325-8583
RWGPS: Westerville Bicycle Club - Central Ohio's Premier Cycling Club Upcoming Rides Links coming soon.
Strava: Westerville, Ohio Club | TTS(S) on Strava
Facebook Group: (2) Westerville Bicycle Club | Facebook

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