Register here –

One of the most significant values that our organization provides is robust insurance coverage for our riders and our Ride Leaders that could be vulnerable to a lawsuit based on an incident that might occur on their ride.

COP insurance covered over 30,000 participant event days in 2024!  We have economies of scale and want to extend this benefit to as many cycling groups as possible. No cyclist, or leader, should be faced with the threat of financial ruin to cover medical costs or a victim’s damages … based on an unexpected crash. All we require to list and cover your ride (and maintain your group identity) is to attend our Ride Leaders Training and follow the very easy guidelines to ensure coverage for your riders.

This training is required for Outdoor Pursuits ride leaders. Training must be renewed every two years; however, an “annual refresh” of this course for previous Ride Leaders is highly encouraged.

Spread the word about this valuable offering! Register now for the Annual Ride Leaders Training on Saturday February 1st from 9:00am – noon.  Topics include standards for planning and delivering rides, basic group cycling dynamics and rules of the road, and COP’s insurance program. More details and registration here.

Registration is free for COP members. $15 for non-members.  **NOTE – You’ll need to be an active member of COP ($30) in order to list your ride on the COP calendar and take advantage of the insurance benefit for your ride. SO…you might want to join/activate your membership before signing up


 OSU Center for Electron Microscopy and AnalysiS

1305 Kinnear Rd, Suite 100

Columbus, OH  43212
