Thursday PM teamCOPC Jersey Hills – PELOTONIA-FRIENDLY

May 1, 2025

Thursday PM teamCOPC Jersey Hills – PELOTONIA-FRIENDLY
Time: 6 PM Please arrive 15 minutes early. May 1 thru July 24
Pace: B, C
Meetup Location: Jersey Church North Parking Lot – 13260 Morse Rd., New Albany, OH 43054
Ride Description: This is a challenging ride that has, over the years, become a favorite for Pelotonia training. We encourage groups to stick together and look out for each other, to create a safer ride while also fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Each week, the route is chosen from those listed below by the riders during the pre-ride discussion, taking into account the planned pace and sunset time. For this ride, it’s always a good idea to bring a friend along. All teamCOPC rides prioritize safety and riding together as a group. Before you join us, please take a moment to review the rider expectations under the RIDES tab at To keep up with our rides and events, join the teamCOPC Rides email list on the same website.
One-Time Pre-Registration: Outdoor Pursuits Weekly Rides Pre-Registration
RWGPS: Routes are chosen by the group from these: RIDE with GPS
Facebook Group:
Ride Leader Primary: Mike Perry
Group Contact: email:

Register Here

Jersey Church North Parking Lot
13260 Morse Rd
New Albany, Ohio 43054

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